Transcriptions for violin of piano and orchestral works

Elegiac Romance (1940) Caress from Ten Impressions for Piano, opus 9 Evening Song from Six Exotic Preludes for Piano, opus 17 (1968) Contemplation and Carnival Procession from the music to Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice (1975) Seven Symphonic Bulgarian Dances, opus 23 (1975) Classic and Romantic, opus 24 (1955) Lordly Horo from Bulgarian Songs and

Rhapsody “Vardar” for violin and piano

Rhapsody Vardar for violin and piano This is the original version of the most popular Vladigerov’s piece. Its premiere was performed by Pancho and Lyuben Vladigerov in Berlin in January 1923. The composer wrote many different transcriptions of this piece. In 1971, Lyuben Vladigerov wrote a transcription of the rhapsody for two solo violins.